Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Reasons Why It Sucks

4. No Variety

Resident Evil 3

Ignoring the massive whinge over the redesign of Jill's outfit, considering you could have gotten her original as a pre-order bonus if you tried hard enough, there's still little in the way of fun once you've finished the game.

The original Resident Evil 3 had a total of six costume variants (brought up to nine by the time of the Dreamcast and PC versions) to mess around with.

Japanese police officer, white disco suit, as well as Regina's iconic outfit from Dino Crisis are completely absent from this year's edition.

The only costume that's survived any kind of cull is Jill's S.TA.R.S uniform from the very first Resident Evil, which is available in the endgame shop for a relatively low price.

It's just a massive back step when you consider 2019's Resident Evil had, between Leon and Claire, seven outfits each that they could change into.

Although some of them are only available as paid DLC. This is Capcom after all.

But sadly, even with the pre-order bonus of Jill's classic RE3 costume, as well as Carlos' original hair (weirdly), there's still a real lack of novelty once you finish it.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.