Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Reasons Why It Sucks

3. Resistance Isn't A Worthwhile Addition

Resident Evil 3

I honestly thought we'd progressed from the unnecessary inclusion of multiplayer into single player horror games.

It didn't work for Dead Space, nor did it for Condemned or Bioshock.

Yet multiplayer-focused Resident Evil games have been done before, in the guise of Resident Evil: Outbreak 1 & 2. The thing is, why not focus on remaking one of those properly, instead of tacking on Resistance in this game?

It's just insulting to give us this as a salve over the aforementioned removed Mercenaries mode.

Yes, it's free, and yes I'm sure it's fun if you can get a team behind you and japes can be had. But on the whole it's degrading after removing so much of the core game to begin with.

And yes, I'm sure it's easy to say, "Well this is for not remaking Outbreak" or whatever, but it feels like a copout on both fronts. Either make a full Resident Evil 3 or remake the Outbreak's as one complete game.

Doing half of each and calling it a "complete Resident Evil experience" is just wrong.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.