Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Things It Can Improve On

9. More Customisation Options

Resident Evil Remake

Part of the thrill of any Resident Evil game is the unlockable and bonus content, usually upon completion. Most games in the series offer costumes and/or bonus weapons for hitting a certain rank, and as the RE2 remake showed, they're not removing that.

While it is unfortunate that there are already some costumes hidden behind special editions and preorder "bonuses", it'd be nice to reward those that don't want to shell out more money on top of a base game.

The original had, across its various formats, eight unlockable costumes. It'd be nice to see some variety, much like the new RE2, without having to fork out more money for them.

Speculation is rampant over whether Regina's costume from Dino Crisis will be unlockable this time around, what with the hype over Capcom registering the trademark again. Given the success of streaming and the like, it'd be nice to have the series' variety carry on.

The original skins for Leon and Claire were later given away for free, so perhaps that same nostalgia will be incorporated into this one too?


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.