Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Things It Can Improve On

8. The Nemesis Loot System

Resident Evil Remake

Let's not beat around the bush here: the Nemesis is not a fun foe. Unless you've got brass balls, more often than not you'll be running from him.

But part of what made the risk/reward of the original game enjoyable was choosing to fight the Nemesis in his many and varied appearances. Should you take him down, you were granted a reward, based on how far along and how many times you'd felled him.

These range from new weapons (including a shotgun akin to the one Arnie uses in Terminator 2) to bigger storage for medical items, to an infinite ammo "upgrade" for a weapon of your choosing.

Whilst the RE2 Remake did aim towards a more serious bent, it would be a shame to neglect what was a fun caveat in the original RE3. Sure, you didn't have to, and the rewards weren't there if you played on the easier mode.

But for those that want to push themselves again, let's hope Capcom keep that reward system in place, in some form. Just not behind paywalls: we've suffered enough of that.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.