Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Things It Can Improve On

7. Branching Pathways

Resident Evil Remake

For the most part, Resident Evil games are linear. Sure, you may backtrack a few times to puzzle and safe rooms, but overall story progression is mostly A to B. You don't go back to the mansion after you hit the secret laboratory, for instance.

Resi 2 had its split campaigns, whereas 3 had a few tweaks to the linearity. At key points, usually Nemesis-related, Jill could make a few choices that would alter where you continued on from. Some were slight, causing a shuffle of where you'd meet certain characters. Yet some towards the end had some weight on the story, affecting canon endings and how battles play out.

This has potential to remain, or even be expanded on, to give players more replayability should they want to vary their choices next time. Perhaps even tying achievements/trophies to ensure players get the maximum out of their playthroughs, maybe?

It was a well received system the first time around, so to remove it now would be too much of a risky step back to take. Here's hoping it stays.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.