Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Things It Can Improve On

6. Sidequests/Hostage Rescue

Resident Evil Remake

Much like the branching pathways feature, the scope is also there to return one of the features in the original Mercenaries mode: hostage rescuing. I'm not suggesting these hostages follow you, turning it into a Outbreak/Dead Rising crossover. But maybe you just ensure they make it out of the immediate area, for a reward or better overall score?

As for the beaten track itself, perhaps expand on the "sidequests" that the RE2 remake incorporated? Whilst most of those were optional and without much story context, mostly for finding hidden items and weapon parts, why not expand?

Marvel's Spider-man did this well: some added more depth the overall world-building, but were not required for main story completion.

Flesh out the game, is what I'm getting at. We've come too far in technology and storage space to fall back on the bare minimum and single-path playstyle the series used to be limited to.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.