Resident Evil 3 Remake: 10 Things It Can Improve On

5. A Transferable Reward System

Resident Evil Remake

One of the original's strongest points, besides the main campaign, was the unlockable Mercenaries mode upon completion. As well as being its own mode, with a kill-based time limit and optional survivor rescue, it did have a trick up its sleeve.

Depending on how well you did in it, whether completion or not, you earned points. These points could be redeemed for special weapons and infinite ammo cases to use in the main game. Oh yes, none of this "paid unlockables" back then. You had to earn it.

We know that Project Resistance is the multiplayer component of the RE3 remake (R3make? 3make?), so hopefully they'll be a stronger incentive to play it. Story tie-ins are all well and good, but if the reward is in there somewhere, rather than just a tacked on multiplayer mode, I would be all for it.

Previous attempts at Resi multiplayer games haven't been widely well-received, so given the right push this could be a reinforcement for the core game, over being just an optional bit of fun.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.