Resident Evil 4: All Ports Ranked Worst To Best

7. Playstation 3

Resident Evil 4

There was no question Resident Evil 4 on the PlayStation 2 was disappointmenting. One would expect more from Sony's most successful console (as well as the best-selling game system of all time.)

Luckily, Capcom made up for this blunder when they developed a superior RE4 port for the PlayStation 3. (The developing team were also nice enough to port Resident Evil: Code Veronica for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 at the same time.)

Unlike the PS2 rendition, this RE4 discarded the reviled pre-rendered cutscenes. So, if Leon is wearing his gangster suit or Ashley has donned a suit of armour, those costumes will carry over into the cutscenes. It has no effect on the gameplay but it looks awesome (and hilarious).

Although the Xbox 360 version of RE4 boasts better lighting, this port has sharper textures, making the graphics almost on par with the top-of-the-line games on the system. Because some players prefer their games to have better lighting rather than sharper graphics, the question of which is the superior port between the Xbox 360 or the PS3 boils down to personal preference.


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