Resident Evil 6: 10 Reasons We Should Give Chris a Chance

2. There€™s Always More Than The Demo Lets On

Just like any other demo I€™ve ever played I was disappointed when my time in world was caught short by the dreaded €˜buy the game on this date!€™ screen. Three times no less. And yeah, admittedly not much of huge note really goes on throughout; you could say that it was much more of an action oriented tech demo, a chance to get a feel for the mechanics, than a display of what€™s actually in store for us upon release. But it€™s a demo€™s job to hold its cards closely to its chest, to give us just enough so that we want to see what else there is. I mean, if you could get the full experience from the demo, why would you ever go out and put your money on the counter? And in that respect, I€™d say that Resi 6€™s demo fulfilled its task. I now want to play, just because, that can€™t have been it, surely. But in all honesty, it felt to me like the tip of the iceberg. I for one will be shelling out to find out what€™s underneath the surface. And if you€™re still a fan of the series, I€™d imagine you probably will be to.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.