Resident Evil 6: 14 Reasons Why It Sucks

11. Too. Many. Weapons.

This complaint is, to be fair, only apparent in Sherry/Jake's mission, and essentially only if you're playing as Sherry. The original Resident Evil games made it clear that carrying a veritable arsenal of weaponry was not an option, and you had to be selective, placing irrelevant weapons in the trunk while carrying around practical ones as you needed. In the later games like REMake, and Resident Evil: Zero, this expanded to allowing you to drop weapons anywhere, a hugely welcome addition, but in the latest Resident Evil, they appear to have taken character versatility a little bit too far. Remember Sherry Birkin, the little girl in Resident Evil 2 who ran defencelessly from the zombies while Leon and Claire took care of business? Well, she's all growed up, but she's still got a slight frame, such that she probably shouldn't be able to handle a Bear Commander, a Sniper Rifle, and a few other pistols all in one go. While we can sort of let it go in something like Grand Theft Auto that's supposed to be over-the-top and silly, the comparative focus on difficulty and fiendishness in the Resident Evil series would suggest that Sherry shouldn't really be able to carry such a big loadout. But of course, Capcom seem to be divorcing themselves from their roots as much as possible.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]