Resident Evil 7: 10 Big Rumours That Would Save The Franchise
6. Bringing A Tighter Focus On Atmosphere
One of the rumours that fans of the series that will hopefully come to fruition is that Resident Evil 7 will be much more focused on atmosphere, something that was severely lacking in its predecessor. The huge-scale action sequences in RE6 offer a completely different experience to the dark, and ultimately scarier feel of the first Resident Evil game. And for "different" read worse. Capcom need to up the sense of isolation: blasting horde after horde of enemies while your in-game partner constantly gives you updates and advice kills any sense of dread you may have been feeling. The co-op sections of the game do add variety, but too often they can prove annoying and distractingly unscary. Luckily, noises coming from Capcom suggest that players will get to experience large sections of RE7 playing by themselves. If the game also chooses to lower the number of enemies you face, core fans who remember that first lone zombie encounter in Resident Evil are sure to be delighted.
After graduating with a degree in English Literature from the University of Warwick, Barclay worked for a year in outdoor advertising. A keen music fan, Barclay previously reviewed singles for a Midlands-based music website while studying. He quit work to travel around Europe for 6 weeks, before deciding it was time to return to reality. When he isn't freelance writing, Barclay enjoys seeing his hopes and dreams inevitably crushed while supporting Tottenham Hotspur.