Resident Evil 7: 10 Biggest Fan Demands Capcom Must Include

2. Be Willing To Say Goodbye

In contrast to bringing back classic characters like Jill and Claire, it may also be time to start saying goodbye to them. As much as we all love characters like Leon and Chris, the original cast of zombie-slayers could be due for a long hiatus, and Resident Evil 7 may be the place to do it. One thing that has crippled Resident Evil recently has been the storytelling; what began as a very simple zombie infection story that had some human drama to undercut it has now degenerated into a mishmash of off-the-wall plot twists and unrealistic character motivations. Take into account that you spent all of Resident Evil 5 with the intention of killing off the long-running antagonist Albert Wesker, then went back to the silly storytelling well of introducing his son Jake in the very next game. While Jake's contributions to RE6 weren't necessarily the worst thing the series has ever seen, it still seemed to be an unusual desire to have a Wesker-type character. We all love those characters, but RE7 may also be the time to start sending them away. When you keep characters like Leon or Chris around for this long, they have a tendency to become stale and have ultimately reached their highest potential at this point. Let's use Resident Evil 7 as a way to bring back all the old favorites for one final adventure, spring boarding into Resident Evil 8 with an entirely new saga of zombie killing action.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.