Resident Evil 7: 10 Controversial Things It Can Learn From 6

3. Combat Mechanics

Moving and shooting. Now, this a controversial one. Look, we all know that RE 4 was the game that got survival horror combat action just right. The over the shoulder, static position shooting led to some seriously scary moments. 5 did much the same, though it lost effect due to the game being simply, well, less scary. 6 though, 6 knew what it was. It accepted, as many of the fans are still yet to do, that the series was no longer so much survival horror as it was horror/action. And if it was going to accept its new action genre, it needed the gameplay mechanics to match. In that sense, giving the player freedom to move and shoot is really the perfect decision. It still allowed for some tense moments, as the so-close-I-can€™t-quite-see-which-side-the-enemy-is-coming-from third-person camera angle was kept, but it also allowed for more fun and gratifying combat segments. The addition of melee attacks helped in close quarters, too. Resi 7, therefore, should continue on with this new mechanic in combat. The developers over in Japan can tweak it all they like, make it better, make it both more fun and scarier, but ultimately, 7 should follow 6€™s lead in keeping this new style. The series has evolved. Reverting 6€™s changes would be a mistake.

A nerd of Video Games, Movies, Sports, and History. He never makes mistakes. He thought he did once, but he was mistaken.