Resident Evil 7: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

6. Resident Evil: Enhanced Veronica


It€™s not uncommon for a franchise to try and win back it€™s audience by releasing a game they had already made and giving it a simple €˜reboot€™. Tomb Raider did it with Tomb Raider Anniversary, Silent Hill released Shattered Memories and now perhaps Resident Evil will release a reboot of Code Veronica. First released for the Dreamcast in 2000, then ported to the Playstation 2 and GameCube, Code Veronica saw you play as Claire Redfield who is in search of her brother Chris. You also play as Chris and briefly Steve Burnside as you progress further in the game. Code Veronica was a popular installment receiving great reviews so it wouldn€™t come as a great surprise if Capcom were to reboot this title. Indeed, the company has suggested that they intend to return to the series' roots in the next game: what better way to do it than with a reboot?

The rumour began when some eagle eyed fan noticed a section on the Resident Evil website called €˜Enhanced Veronica€™ which has since mysteriously been taken down. A number of other things point to this being more than just a rumour as many people have heard that the next installment won€™t be numbered (Code Veronica wasn€™t) and will feature a female character we haven€™t seen for a decade - Claire hasn€™t been featured since Code Veronica.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.