Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - The Baker Family Explained

Zoe Baker

Zoe Baker Resident Evil

In many ways, Zoe Baker is the most unfortunate member of the family players come across in Resident Evil VII. Another genuinely good person caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, Zoe is the one member of the family who doesn't spend at least some time mutating from Eveline's gift to the Bakers, and is instead forced to watch on from afar as her family become the sadistic group of cannibalistic killers players meet.

Players of the game might not have realised during their first play-through of the game, but Zoe is actually just as infected as her family when players meet her in Biohazard. She shares a telepathic link with Eveline and is calcified by the child during the game, but has been able to essentially will herself away from the killing and what not going down inside her home.

There's an element of rivalry between Eveline and Zoe when they're first introduced in the Daughters DLC, which is perhaps why she is able to resist the child's gift, or maybe why Eveline is so content letting her watch on as she transforms her family into something different.

However, Zoe's greatest rivalry players can deduce is with Lucas, with the two standing as polar opposites of one another. Whilst Lucas is sadistic, cruel and prone to flying off the handle, Zoe is kind, competent and more than level-headed enough to (mostly) keep ahead of her family and their various attempts to lure her out.

The End of Zoe DLC showed that, canonically at least, Ethan decided to save Mia rather than Zoe and left her to be calcified by Eveline. Whilst most of the DLC focuses on Joe Baker, Zoe's uncle, and his attempts to save her, there's still an interesting amount of insight into Zoe and her relationship with her father with how hellbent the Swamp Man is in keeping her for himself.

The DLC thankfully ends with Joe managing to defeat the Swamp Man, cure Zoe and escape to safety thanks to Chris Redfield and a call from Ethan.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.