Resident Evil 8: 10 Things It MUST Learn From RE2 Remake

1. Modernising Iconic Characters

Resident Evil 2 Remake Claire Sherry

There was a lot of controversy when the reimagined models for Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy were first shown off to the public. Although both kept the general look of their original counterparts, it's clear there was an effort to make them more closely resemble actual people.

It wasn't just the physicality of the characters that Capcom updated, though, but their development from average people into action heroes. They're both competent, but not in a way that makes them feel totally impervious to the horrible things happening around them.

Resident Evil 7, in an attempt to be grounded and gritty, threw out most of the cast from the previous games in favour of a more relatable hero. However, 2 proves that even franchise veterans as powerful as Leon and Claire can exist in a more "realistic" version of the franchise. These larger-than-life constructs can still feel human, and can totally carry a personal story going forward.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3