Resident Evil 8: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail You Need To Know

9. Ethan Is Back

Resident Evil 8

With a plot centering around Eveline and the group that built her, it should come as no surprise that the latest leak has confirmed Ethan Winters will be returning to the game. It's assumed that this will be as the main character again, with Ethan having his own storyline following on from Resident Evil 7.

In that game his hand and, optionally, his leg were both cut off upon his entrance to the Baker household. While both were replaced easily enough, there's no normal science that allows for that sort of healing. The implication was always that some part of Eveline's unique biology allowed the healing tonics that kept Ethan in, or returned him to, one piece. He was connected to Eveline for a short time, but long enough to see the things she put in his mind and was at one point immersed in her mold.

If Blue Umbrella, the benevolent spin-off of the evil corporation who started this whole mess, are indeed going after Eveline's creators, then it makes sense that they'd want Ethan to be a part of this. His connection to the mold may still be active in ways that need him to be monitored, and he's proven himself in the battle against B.O.W.s. Plus, this is personal for him.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.