Resident Evil 8: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail You Need To Know

7. Chris Redfield Returns

Resident Evil 8

When your own mind is turning against you, you need someone you can rely on to bring you out of it. And who better to be your rock than someone known for punching actual boulders into submission?

The latest series of leaks suggests that Chris Redfield will be returning in some form. The assumption is that he's a backup character, aiding Ethan while not being alongside him through the entire story. However, there's always a chance that this may be a second playable character with his own version of the story to go through.

One of the original S.T.A.R.S team who survived the Mansion Incident and a founding member of the BSAA, Chris is working with Blue Umbrella partly because he doesn't trust the new group and their seemingly philanthropic mission to restore the good name of the company they once worked for by repairing the damage they caused. It's likely that his storyline in the game will focus as much on looking into his new employers as it will protecting Ethan and finding out where Eveline came from.

And it's a good job that Chris is back because some old friends are said to be making their return too.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.