Resident Evil 8: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail You Need To Know

5. Werewolves, Not Swearwolves

Resident Evil 8

If you've been following the news about the leaks, you'll likely have seen mention of werewolves being brought into Resident Evil. While three of you are excited at this prospect, the rest are likely groaning and rolling your eyes at the idea. "They've spoiled it." you're muttering under your breath. "They were doing so well, and they spoiled it."

The thing is, the leak itself doesn't mention werewolves at any point. All the leak says is that a wolf-like creature will be making an appearance in the game. It was YouTubers who decided that meant werewolves, and the reports have spread since then as if that was the content of the leak.

If you've played any Resident Evil game then you know that infected dogs have been showing up since that first window broke in that hallway of the Spencer Mansion. It's likely this wolf-like creature is merely the latest version of that, and we'll see the obligatory tentacles coming from its split-apart head as we usually do during the games.

Having said that, the addition of hallucinations to the game means that nothing is set in stone. Ethan's tortured mindscape when confronted with monstrous wolves and then more ravenous humanoid enemies may well interpret those as werewolves when it reaches a breaking point.


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