Resident Evil 8: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail You Need To Know

4. The Game May Be Set Across Multiple Locations

Resident Evil 8

Long a series known for iconic locations, it's looking likely that Resident Evil 8 will be taking us on a Code Veronica-inspired tour across multiple locations.

The hallucination gameplay isn't the only thing drawing parallels to the development of Resident Evil 4. Much like the finished game there, the recent leaks suggest that the new game will start out in an infected village before moving on to a castle.

Unlike that game, we won't be hanging around Western Europe. Instead, the village and castle will apparently be surrounded by snowy mountains and we can expect cold weather to be a factor in the game, with snowstorms shrouding our view in some areas. This is a far cry from the first set of leaked information that mentions the location as an abandoned island with an underground base.

There is, of course, every chance that the island is merely a placeholder in playtests and it won't be part of Resident Evil at all. If anything, this could well be the location of the Dino Crisis remake that fans have been clamouring for since REmake 2 first showed its horrible, horrible face.


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