Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

7. Remix Enemies And Items

Resident Evil 8
Capcom / Ben-Roy Turner

Both the Resident Evil 3 REmake and Resident Evil 7 did something very interesting in their higher, unlockable difficulty levels. Assuming that players will be used to the game after playing the easier version of the game, Capcom changed up the layout of enemies and some items in the game, making it fresh again for those who'd already played through and knew it like the back of their recently chainsawed off and stapled back on hands.

Like Resident Evil 4 before it, Resident Evil 3 REmake's Nightmare mode even added entire new sequences of events to the mix on top of these changed up enemy placements, changing up the route the player takes through the early parts of the game and keeping them on their toes throughout.

This is something that could be brought into Resident Evil Village, albeit with some changes. Don't only lock it to the difficulty, but have it as something that can be bought in a shop or earned in game.

Allow players to choose to play with this new B placement of enemies and items (or even randomised, for a true challenge) on any difficulty level they wish once they've unlocked it.


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