Resident Evil 8 Village: 10 Fan Demands Capcom NEEDS To Include

6. An In-Game Inventory

Resident Evil 8
Resident Evil 4 - Capcom

You've been through the wars and a zombie merely looking in the wrong direction will send you to your grave. Limping through the halls of the mansion, you run right into a Hunter and it leaps forwards, its claws slashing down. When they're a millimetre away, you pause time to go through your pockets, chew your last herb down, then restart time and take those claws like a champ.

Kinda pulls you out of the game, doesn't it? But what if Ethan doesn't have the superpower to pause all time while he goes through his pockets? By making the inventory screen live in the game, tension is ramped up and players will have to find a safe place to sort out what they're carrying and examine objects in more detail.

In an ideal version of this, the game would fall back to third-person when Ethan drops to a knee to consult a folded map, or pull off his backpack and root through, with the screen keeping a live display of what's happening around the inventory window, so that the player can see whatever beasty is inching ever closer.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.