Resident Evil: Ranking Every Boss From Worst To Best

37. Queen Leech - James Marcus

Resident Evil Bosses

Appears In: Resident Evil 0

For most of the game, he'll spend his time off to the side singing, covered in leeches which seems a little out there even for Resident Evil. The transformations James Marcus goes through saves players from facing a boring man in a suit.

Yes, this might the highest offering from Resident Evil 0 on this list, but in the grand scheme of things that is no achievement. For all RE0 offers in terms of lore dumps and hard as nails gameplay, it is severely lacking in the boss department. Just take the Leech Zombies for example: these might well be the benchmark for the perfect blend of horror and difficulty within a traditional RE setting.

Wrapped up in a bunch of corporate backstabbing, James Marcus in question is eventually taken out on order of Oswell E. Spencer and Edward Ashford who were fellow founding members of Umbrella - which would eventually lead to his leech resurrection and the crumbling of Umbrella from the inside.

He was also responsible for discovering the Progenitor Virus, but Marcus largely rejected his responsibilities and it wasn't till Wesker and Birkin were brought in that the T-Virus was finally completed.

How To Beat:

Now bonded by the time of Resident Evil 0, James Marcus is all but gone and he's more Queen Leech than anything else. Conventional bullets won't work this time, fire won't work and nor will explosives. Only holding him off long enough to open the training facility doors, letting the sunlight, will do the trick.

That and the exploding training facility will help. This would be the first in the long line of Umbrella facilities to self destruct. Every game has to end with a boom!

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.