Resident Evil: Ranking Every Major Protagonist Worst To Best

11. Billy Coen

Resident Evil 0

Despite not resonating all that much with critics or audiences at the time, Resident Evil 0 has enjoyed something of a resurgence over the past few years, perhaps in part thanks to a pretty stunning remaster.

Still, while that re-release could polish off the textures and up the atmosphere, it couldn't really do too much to make Billy Coen a more interesting character. Resi's first foray into having multiple heroes playable within the same campaign, 0 came up with the unlikely partnership between rookie agent Rebecca Chambers and Billy, an on-the-run criminal whose entire character is built on early 2000s cool guy cliches.

He's essentially Snake from The Simpsons, at least initially.

Fortunately he gets a little more interesting following his introduction, and the dynamic between him and Rebecca, both in the story and their differences in actual gameplay (with him being the stronger, more combat ready of the two), is more than enough to carry this underrated gem.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3