Resident Evil: Ranking Every Major Protagonist Worst To Best

10. Ethan Winters

Resident Evil 7

Ethan Winters is one of the most unique Resident Evil protagonists, but it's kind of telling that you probably had no idea what he even looked like before seeing the above image. In a way that can't be used too much against him as, after all, his debut was the first in the franchise to adopt a first-person perspective, but it does reflect how little of an identity he had inside the title.

In their attempt to bring more Western attributes to the series, Resi 7's horror is much more grounded (well, as grounded as a series about bio-weapons, Matrix-eseque baddies and psychic old ladies can get, anyway), and that meant Ethan had to be a far more relatable protagonist than the quick-witted super agents of games gone by.

In a way that shift worked, and it's incredibly easy to put yourself in the hero's shoes (especially in VR) as he searches for his missing girlfriend, but it also leaves him feeling kinda... blank. There's potential there, but who knows if Capcom will ever bring the protagonist back for another tour through hell.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3