Resident Evil: Ranking Every Major Protagonist Worst To Best

8. Sherry Birkin

Resident Evil 6

In a lot of ways, Sherry Birkin's inclusion in Resident Evil 6 was something of a passing of the torch for the series, as the character had shown up a few times before, most notably as a main player in Resident Evil 2. Only a child in that title, she was infected with the G-virus by her father and saved by Claire Redfield, but forced into protective custody once the story wrapped.

The sixth game sees her freed from this secret life and embracing her new role as a government agent, brought in to help stop the kind of biohazard outbreaks that her father was responsible for engineering in the first place.

Not only was the novelty of seeing her for the first time in years endearing, but she was one of the few heroes in that sequel with any real character development. At this point, Leon and Chris are so defined that their arcs don't really have anywhere else to go. They're fully defined constructs, but with Sherry in Resi 6, it felt like the writers genuinely wanted to explore some new themes and build up a new generation of franchise heroes.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3