Resident Evil Village: 5 Best Parts (And 5 That Sucked)

5. WORST: The Chris Redfield Factor

resident evil 8

We all love series protagonist Chris Redfield, and it is good to see Capcom have put his character design back to his original model (if slightly aged up) after his ill-received redesign in Resident Evil VII.

The issue with Chris Redfield in this game is the blindingly obvious way in which Capcom have attempted to dupe fans with a “good-guy-gone-bad” twist. Capcom promoted this idea in each subsequent trailer, and in the cover art for the game which appears to feature Chris Redfield mid-transformation into a Lycan.

It was probably always a safe bet that Capcom wouldn’t pull the trigger on evil Chris. What hurts the game though, is the fact that, when Chris’ apparent wrongdoing is finally explained in the game’s final act… it’s all a bit weak.

It is revealed, basically out of nowhere, that Mother Miranda is capable of shapeshifting into any form she chooses, and that she had actually been posing as Mia for an undisclosed amount of time. This means it was Miranda who Chris “killed” in the beginning of the game.

Unfortunately this doesn’t really feel like an impactful reveal and more like Capcom had backed themselves into a corner and decided that the only way out was “shapeshifter.”


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.