Rocksteady's Superman: 9 Leaked Details You Need To Know

5. Metropolis Is Three Times The Size Of Gotham

Daily Planet Metropolis DC Comics
DC Comics

Though the Arkham trilogy has always boasted pretty large open worlds, the developers never really attempted to create a true city until the third game. That was already bigger than anything they'd ever done before, but allegedly their version of Metropolis is going to be three times larger than that environment.

To some, this news will no doubt start ringing alarm bells. Rocksteady create some of the most detailed open worlds in the industry, but there's a section of the fanbase that would like a return to the metroidvania influences of the original Arkham Asylum. That probably wouldn't work for Superman though, as part of the whole appeal is flying around faster than a speeding bullet.

Consequently, a larger space is necessary to get the most out of this character - but lets just hope that by going big, Rocksteady doesn't lose the personality that defined the locations in their previous releases. Fortunately, the leak also reaffirmed that the devs have once again packed the game with references and easter eggs from the hero's rich mythology, which should give the world the character is needs.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3