Rocksteady's Superman: 9 Leaked Details You Need To Know

4. The Open World Will Be Semi-Destructible

Man Of Steel Destroyed Metropolis
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the coolest little details in Arkham Knight was the way the Batmobile would take chunks out of everything it crashed into. Barrelling through Gotham and clumsily smashing around corners conveyed the heft of Batman's signature vehicle, and it seemed to set the stage for even more destructibility going forward.

Unfortunately though, despite Superman's larger power set and bigger fighting scale, Metropolis' destructibility will only be on the level of Gotham's. That's a little disappointing in a way, as crashing through buildings mid-fight is a staple of superhero battles, and even the cancelled Superman games seemed to recognise this.

With that said, the precedent has been set for superhero media moving away from city-wide destruction. Ever since Man of Steel received a huge backlash for carelessly destroying buildings left and right with no thought put towards the potential collateral damage, superheroes have become more concerned about saving cities, rather than wrecking them.

Still, here's hoping for a couple key set pieces that have the destructive scale fans expect.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3