Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

9. Scale Back The Super Powers

Saints row 5
Deep Silver

The super powers seem to go hand in hand with the arcade style gameplay, which was introduced in Saint’s Row III. However, the super powers didn’t come until Saint’s Row IV, with III proving the zaniness doesn’t need them to push things to the limit. Moving forward, Saint’s Row IV is where the super powers should stay.

They were a brilliant surprise, used in fresh ways and fit the bonkers storyline perfectly, but they’re definitely best as a one time thing. Any longer and Saint’s Row risks jumping right past being a GTA clone and turning into something like InFamous or Crackdown.

As a one off, super powers were a fun gimmick, but that’s all they really need to be. Gat Out Of Hell put far too much emphasis on them, and the vehicular part of the game has all but disappeared.

As for getting rid of them, Saint’s Row’s style makes it incredibly easy. ‘Oh man, I guess time travel depleted my super powers’ or ‘Good job I beat Zinyak in the past, pity he shot me with a “super powers be gone” gun though’; it’s the type of game where you just have to go with it.

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Saints Row
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)