Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

8. Keep The Arcade Style

Saints row 5
Deep Silver

There’s a little bit of debate amongst the fanbase of Saint’s Row, but typically there’s two main viewpoints here. One side wants the game to go back to its grittier origins, focused on city gang turf wars and leaving the more ridiculous alien invasion, President Of The United States stuff behind. The other wants to keep that manic craziness and go even harder with it.

Saint’s Row III was a turning point for the series, and it’s no accident that most of these points tend to reference the games from that point onwards. Simply put, the games have to continue in this arcadey direction.

They made the series what it is, and without it they’re just back being a GTA clone. Some people may not like the sillier style, but plenty more people fell in love with Saint’s Row because of this new attitude. It’s an indelible part of Saint’s Row now.

This is separate from the super powers introduced in Saint’s Row IV though; they’re covered in the next point, although it is quite heavily linked to the more arcadey gameplay the third game introduced.

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Saints Row
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)