Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

7. More Awesome Content Packs

Saints row 5
Deep Silver

Asking for DLC in a game that’s not even out yet might seem a bit strange, especially in this era of cash grabs. Microtransactions, unfinished games rushed for release and cut content seem pretty par for the course these days, but based off Saint’s Row III & IV, it bodes well for Saint’s Row V eventually having great DLC.

The packs weren’t anything to rival Mass Effect 3’s Citadel or The Witcher III’s Blood & Wine, but they were absolutely unbridled fun. They were vintage Saint’s Row without being held back by any sense of mass appeal.

Saint’s Row III had a GekiBowl pack, the ridiculously melodramatic Gangstas In Space and The Trouble With Clones. It was Saint’s Row IV though which really went above and beyond.

First DLC pack Enter The Dominatrix centred around a BDSM club and featured a bondage pony play racing challenge, asking you to win a race on a chariot led by men dressed as leather horses.

This was followed by How The Saint’s Saved Christmas, which featured an arguably stranger challenge of licking through a candy cane door, with the button prompt of ‘X to Lick’ flashing on the screen for the solid five minutes it takes you.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)