Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

6. A Better Setting

Saints row 5

While you definitely couldn’t accuse the storyline of being dull, the same doesn’t apply to the settings. Whether we’re talking Steelport or Stilwater, the basic world is a bit bland.

Yes, you get to explore Zinyak’s spaceship and fly inside of Paul, the gigantic rampaging energy drink, so it’s not all grey, generic streets. The time you spend just in the regular outside could definitely do with some work though.

Open worlds have become increasingly popular for single player games, with several games upping the ante. Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 won heaps of praise for its magnificently detailed and lifelike open world, creating a living, breathing space more realistic than anything seen before. In a more urban setting, Insomniac’s New York was bursting with colour and character in Spider-Man.

Saint’s Row V might not be generation defining games like those two, but hopefully it’ll take some inspiration and offer significant improvements, especially given how wacky and wonderful the basic template for their cities are.

For a city full of hilariously named gun stores, strip clubs and garages, it’s a surprisingly tame open world. Aliens helped in IV, but in V the street itself might do some heavy lifting.

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Saints Row
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)