Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

5. Weirder Weapons

Saints row 5
Deep Silver

Unlike the settings, there’s been nothing wrong with the Saint’s Row weapons in previous instalments, especially through III & IV. Rather than a thing which needs fixing then, this is just something the series needs to go even bigger with.

There’s really too many wacky ones to list, and it’s such a staple of the franchise by now that it needs to be back bigger than ever. The dildo bat (The Penetrator) is a classic, but there’s also a Blow Up Doll melee weapon.

There’s a gun which plays Dubstep until your enemies die, as well as the Inflat-O-Ray which causes their heads to swell and burst and an armchair with two mounted Gatling guns.

Many people’s favourite though is the Shark-O-Matic, which offers a nice knowing wink to accusations that the game jumped the shark with Saint’s Row III. The Shark-O-Matic sprays the enemy with fish guts, which while unpleasant is hardly as bad as dubstepping yourself to death, or even to you know, a regular bullet.

However, these guts will then summon the sewer shark, who’ll jump out and devour your enemies. Which is nice of it.

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Saints Row
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)