Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

4. Agents Of Mayhem Powers

Saints row 5
Deep Silver

While the super powers may go the journey, Agents Of Mayhem provides a viable alternative. Though the game didn’t sell as well as it could have and definitely had flaws, there were some bright sparks there. Moving forward, Saint’s Row would do well to borrow the things which stuck while likely ignoring most of the plot details Agents Of Mayhem wrought.

Though hardly a new idea, Agents Of Mayhem had a level up system for their heroes, unlocking a super ability once they’d filled their special meter and maxed their stats. Some left a little to be desired, while others were very specific to certain characters. Others though seem adaptable enough for Saint’s Row to incorporate them while still keeping its identity and over the top playing style.

Braddock, for example, uses her cigar as a targeting ray for an air strike, while Joule builds an extra powerful turret and Hollywood goes full Michael Bay, filling the screen with decorative explosions while becoming virtually bulletproof and gaining infinite ammo.

All of those (or similarly full throttle abilities) could be introduced into Saint’s Row to patch any void left by the likely departing super powers while still ensuring the Boss can boss their enemies.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)