Saints Row 5: 10 Things We Need To See

2. A Bigger Role For Kinzie Kensington

Saints row 5

Kinzie Kensington is one of the most interesting members the crew has ever had, and she really needs some more spotlight. Despite her dry personality, she’s just as over the top as the rest of them, with her computer hacking skills and love of bondage often getting the spotlight.

However, she’s never been central character the way Shaundi, Johnny Gat, Pierce and the Boss have been. She’s more like the top billed supporting character; think Shuri or Happy Hogan in the MCU. She’s just too good a character to keep sidelined for long though.

They clearly know what they have with her, deciding to make her one of the DLC Saint’s Row characters in Agents Of Mayhem, along with Johnny Gat plus Pierce being in the base game. In Saint’s Row V, she needs to step up and become a part of the core cast.

Kinzie is so often hilarious, and Saint’s Row have shown seldom seen restraint when using her so far. It’s not just because she’s so funny that they should be using her though, it’s that they still have a lot to explore with her character. A greater spotlight could allow them to.

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Saints Row
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)