Saints Row IV: 5 Reasons The August Release Date Is Great News

2. It's One Last Hurrah For Current Gen

Saints Row: The Third

One criticism that has appeared following the trailer€™s release is that the graphics and general gameplay look the same as Saint€™s Row: The Third. But aren€™t those the graphics and gameplay we came to know and love since the start of Saints Row? If it ain€™t broke and all that. And what€™s the point of overhauling the entire mechanics of the franchise a few months before the next generation of consoles come out? Saints Row IV can be the big, end-of-gen celebration; the perfect way for gamers to say goodbye to the Xbox 360 and PS3. From the trailer is looks like the game will be using Saints Row: The Third as a base point and will then turn up the dial to insane, with superpowers and everything. What else would you want to play as one of your last current gen games; Saints Row IV or the next Call of Duty, which will look and play exactly like the last one and exactly like the next one that will come out on next gen?

Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.