Sega Mega Drive Mini: Ranking The 10 Best Games

6. Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition

Sega Mega Drive Mini

The definitive 2D fighter on the Mega Drive.

This version is a combination of two games from the confusing Street Fighter 2 set of games, those being Champion Edition and Turbo: Hyper Fighting.

Nomenclature aside, The fighting is as good as ever. Select from one of the famous twelve strong roster of classic characters such as Ryu and Chun Li, and battle your way around the world before facing off with final boss M Bison.

All the classic special moves are there and the all important two player mode allows you to pit your wits against a friend.

Tiers do exist between certain groups of fighters, as they do with all fighing games, but against an evenly matched opponent, you’ll be having too much fun to care. You can even both pick the same character if needed.

The control scheme is excellent, and you’ll be pulling off combinations and Hadoukens in no time.

One important qualifier: The Mega Drive Mini comes with a 3-button controller with no word yet on a 6 button controller. This really won’t be such an enjoyable experience if you have to use the start button to toggle back and forth between kicks and punches.


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