Sega Mega Drive Mini: Ranking The 10 Best Games

4. Dynamite Headdy

Sega Mega Drive Mini

Considered an underrated gem compared to others in Treasure’s library, Dynamite Headdy actually received fantastic review on release and still holds up well today.

Controlling a puppet who can swap heads to give himself a variety of enhanced attacks, you work your way through a number of unique stages, taking on various other puppets, mini bosses, recurring villains and keymasters - the major boss battles of the game.

The theme is consistent throughout, with minions pulling stage curtains and moving scenery to set up boss fight scenes, and even stage lights representing the health of you and the kemasters. There are far more of these little touches throughout the game.

The game starts gently enough, with traditional 2D stages, and some training levels, but you’ll soon run into pseudo 3D levels, spiralling towers and flying levels. Later boss fights can be horrendous with the Demon Gatekeeper and Twin Freaks bringing me out in cold sweats still.

The one annoyance is the basketball bonus level, but you’ll have to beat this to get one final boss fight and truly beat the game. You’ll hit some tough defeats but you’ll keep coming back for more of these charming levels and spectacular battles.


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