Sekiro 2: 10 Major Changes We Need To See

1. Boss & Mini-Boss Balancing

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice intro

Yes, yes, we can already hear the cries of "OMG just git gud".

Get over yourselves.

Whilst most of the bosses were great, testing players and pushing them to really master the game's mechanics, some were a little tedious.

It's a safe bet most bosses required several attempts, forcing you to learn their weaknesses etc.

Lady Butterfly is a good example of a tough boss done right, but Genichiro Ashina, on top of Ashina Castle? He is not.

Ashina is by no means the only frustrating boss, but he's probably one of the first big put-offs for many players.

He takes too long to reach if you can't open the shortcut, has attacks you can't dodge or block, making attacking on the aggressive off-putting (which is not what the game has been teaching you to do) and his third form has too much happening on screen to understand what you're doing.

In the end, it's one of several boss battles that wasn't fun or the right kind of challenging, instead feeling like a tedious grind.


Alex Harvey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.