Sekiro 2: 10 Major Changes We Need To See

4. Enemy Variety

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice intro

To the uninitiated Miyazaki games tend to have really mental, imposing, terrifying enemies.

Sekiro is, certainly, no exception, if the prospect of a decapitated ape clutching it's own head whilst swinging a giant sword doesn't provoke some sort of feeling in you, you might be a bit jaded.

Having said that there's a little too much over use of certain enemy models. Said headless ape can be confronted on two occasions and various other bosses and mini-bosses are reused constantly.

The bog standard enemy troops are everywhere throughout the bulk of the game, even if they're not exactly the same there's only so many time you can confront a fully armoured general and not get a feeling of deja vu.

Next time round it would be great to see a few more enemy types or even just giving their appearance a more noticeable change up.

Plus why wasn't there more of that giant snake? It was one of the most awesome looking antagonists in recent gaming and it only appears a couple of times.

Snake? Snake?! SNAKE!!! Sorry.


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