Sekiro 2: 10 Major Changes We Need To See

3. Integrating Stealth Better

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice intro

Sekiro is definitely an action title first and a stealth game second. But that's not to say it couldn't use a little more of the old tactical, espionage, action.

Playing cat and mouse with a giant mamba was really tense, so it was surprising it didn't feature more throughout the course of the game.

It would be great to have more opportunities to sneak around, whether trying to outwit an imposing stalker or just negotiating your way through a tricky level.

Going one better it would be great to have a chance, like in Dishonoured or Tenchu, to pull off cool assassinations, making you pick sides, which in turn could bring about different endings.

These missions could still result in unavoidable boss fights so it shouldn't impede the difficulty level just open up the possibilities for different ways to play the game.


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