Sekiro Shadows Die Twice: 10 Optional Bosses You Need To Fight

7. General Kuranosuke Matsumot

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

General Kuranosuke Matsumot is ready to fight as soon as you reach the Ashina Castle. While the first idol in this area branches off into a whole host of different paths, heading straight forward will take you up a flight of stairs to a dead-end where the mini-boss and a bunch of his goons lay in wait. As always in these scenarios, it's advised to take out the minions first, preferably through stealth deathblows.

Once they're dead, you can face the General one-on-one, and while his attacks do a lot of damage if they connect, he isn't too much trouble. His patterns are pretty similar to the other Samurai you fight in the game, and it's only really grabs you need to be careful of. It's best to get a few hits into his health first though, as while dealing posture damage isn't too difficult, it regenerates at a pretty rapid rate.

Though he's easily ignored, you want to take him on as early as possible for that helpful prayer bead and the items he's guarding.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3