Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 7 New Gameplay Details You Need To Know

6. Stealth Works Exactly How You'd Expect

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Perhaps the biggest surprise so far regarding Sekiro's combat system is just how much emphasis there's going to be on stealth. Though the reveal trailer teased it, the subsequent unveilings at Gamescom have highlighted just how important the mechanic is to the moment-to-moment gameplay.

While you won't be expected to move through areas completely undetected like Sam Fisher, it will be beneficial to thin out the herd before jumping in katana first. To enable this kind of play, FromSoft have introduced a dedicated stealth button on the left trigger, while enemies will have a yellow detection meter which fills when you're in view.

They're the kind of features players expect to see in pretty much every modern action game, but they will undoubtedly shake up the formula here massively.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3