Shadow Of The Colossus: Every Colossus Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Phalanx (Colossus #13)

Shadow Of The Colossus Phalanx
Bluepoint Games

And finally, it's the best-designed and most entertaining colossus battle in the game. Phalanx is one of gaming's most acclaimed boss fights for a reason, presenting the player with this gigantic, flying beast and with no immediate way of attacking it.

Once you realise you need to pierce the trio of white sacs on the underside of its body in order to climb aboard, this isn't a particularly difficult battle at all, and somewhat depressingly, Phalanx won't even try to attack Wander throughout.

The sheer thrill of riding Argo up to the creature's wings and performing a death-defying leap before clinging on for dear life is matched by little else in gaming. Holding on tight as Phalanx tries to shake you loose, and desperately trying to clamber to one of its weakpoints, is absolutely incredible.

Even the fact you have to effectively repeat the same sequence numerous times to fell the beast does little to dull its impact. This is epic, cinematic adventure storytelling at its most awe-inspiring, and the remake's visual upgrade only enhances the "wow" factor.


How would you rank Shadow of the Colossus' legendary battles? Are you enjoying the remake? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.