Silent Hill: Every Playable Character Ranked Worst To Best

5. Alex Shepherd

Heather Mason Silent Hill 3 1280x720

Alex gets a place above the others, not because of any distinct merits but simply from the fact that he does everything perfectly fine.

There's nothing too outstanding about his personality, presentation or attitude that gives him a memorable edge, yet there's also nothing about him that is particularly poorly handled. He's ultimately a relatively empty and hollow "broken" protagonist.

In typical Silent Hill fashion, Alex is a character with a tragic past who comes into the game searching for his family. His presentation as an ex-soldier is interesting, and the surprising twist associated with it does give him a compelling narrative. Sadly, his character doesn't reflect this nuanced story, as Shepherd mainly revolves around the typical "tough guy with a good heart" clichés that are often employed for leading roles.

The concept of his family's legacy being a big burden on him and the connection to his brother Joshua is solid, but nothing comes along to make him feel truly nuanced. His sinful past seems more connected elements that weren't entirely in his control, and it doesn't necessarily make him feel like a perfect candidate for Silent Hill.

While the final reveal is shocking, there's no tangible decision from him involved in it, as it's clearly presented as an accident.

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