Silent Hills: 10 Reasons To Be Incredibly Excited

8. They'll Surely Deliver A Very Memorable Villain

One of the most iconic scenes people remember from Pan's Labyrinth - or just through popular horror creatures in general - is the Pale Man; a truly disturbing - very Del Toro-style - creature who appears to be in a deep slumber, guarding a table full of fruit. He then comes to life when Ofelia attempts to take something for herself - but the really genius in his design is that his eyes are in the palms of his hands, leading to a brilliant nail-biting scene where the beast ambles after our hero whilst exploring the environment like a half-blind man, uttering some truly bone-chilling sounds along the way. However what Silent Hill hasn't had since part two is a fully-realised, uncomfortable villain along the lines of Pyramid Head or Pale Man. A creature that transcends from being known in gaming circles to those outside, and something that's designed in such a way that it can carry the series' identity even before people delve into the real reasons behind its existence. Although it never did too well at the box office, Del Toro gave us the slow-burn reveal of the overgrown humanoid-cockroaches in Mimic; creatures that - save for a few scenes - were handled expertly, as their very nature is suitably disgusting and off-putting up-close. You may not remember the entirety of the film, but in the echelon of great movie monsters these subway-dwelling vermin always get a mention.
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