Skyrim: 10 Best Ways To Play Without Mods

1. Outlawed

skyrim combat

This one takes a little bit of set up beyond Helgen, but with a little effort, you can quickly be playing. Essentially gain a bounty of a thousand in every hold in Skyrim and keep that bounty no matter what.

Playing as an outlaw, never being able to safely enter a city without the threat of the guards constantly looming over you is exceptionally fun. Sneaking in and out of cities whilst always being on the run is both difficult and challenging and often you'll find yourself speeding halfway across the world to try and escape.

If you do get captured and imprisoned, you, of course, have to try and escape. However, if you are forced to serve your time, just gain that bounty back and get back out on the run. Trying to do quests without being arrested is particularly interesting, especially the very first few main quests (good luck getting near Balgruff without a decent sneak level).

Over time, this run does lose it's appeal as you become powerful enough to take on a whole city full of guards, but for the first thirty levels, you can really struggle. You could always impose a no guard kill rule and restrict yourself to thievery alone, but just try not and caught doing so!


Are there anymore unique and interesting ways to play Skyrim without mods that we didn't list? Let us know in the comments down below!

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.