Skyrim: 10 Best Ways To Play Without Mods

2. Dead Is Dead


Skyrim isn't really that challenging, to be fair. Unless you crank the difficulty to max, you can swing your way through Tamriel with relative ease. And even on the max difficulty, you can often breeze through encounters without a skipping a beat. However, if you restrict yourself to one life, the game becomes a lot tenser.

Dead is Dead essentially means that if you die, you have to delete your character. Sounds pretty easy right? It can be if you play strategically and make an extra effort not to stumble into the wrong tomb. But having that extra penalty for death can make the game a lot more impactful. Having to prepare for every adventure and having to make sure that you aren't straying too close to a dragon nest can make the game infinitely more engaging.

Combining this with a Randomised Run or even a full on roleplay character can make it even more engaging. Developing an attachment to the character that you have built and roleplayed as for over sixty plus hours only to have them wrenched away at the hands of a city guard that you were confident you could beat is heartbreaking.

Just remember that 'Dead is Dead'. No cheating!

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.