Skyrim: 10 Best Ways To Play Without Mods

3. Role-Play (Properly)

Skyrim Survival Mode

Skyrim is inherently a role-playing game with the game being stuffed to the brim with the classic RPG elements. However, if you take that extra step and start to properly invest your character in the world, then the game can transform drastically.

Actually building a fully-fledged character with a proper backstory, proper motivation and proper reasons for what they do in the world can be really rewarding. Keeping a schedule in the world with proper sleep patterns, eating and even small daily objectives can make Skyrim instantly more immersive. Essentially, by playing the game as if it were real life, it can be incredibly fun.

Whilst it does take a degree of effort and it can sometimes seem like a slog, you can quickly develop a habit of it making the game more than just a sword-swinging adventure.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.